Thomas Thurner (M) started his career at Schlumberger Industries’ R&D-Department as developing engineer for energy consumption meters. In parallel he began his studies at the University of Vienna for Communication Science that led him to the field of radio. Thomas started as an ‘early mover in Austrian free radios’ in the early 90ies and was thereafter one of the founding partners of Vienna’s first community radio. From 1997 to 2002 he was responsible for the fundraising department of this radio station. Beginning of 2002 Thomas and some colleagues launched the SpinOut-Company “Team Teichenberg” active in the fields of audio exchange, streaming, eLearning and podcasting. 2006 to 2008 he was in charge of a two years project on setting up an innovation hub on behalf of Telekom Austria. Since early 2008 Thomas is coordinating Semantic Web Company’s transfer activities as well as he works on public relations and communication campaigns. Thomas is also heavily engaged at Semantic Web Company’s Open-Data activities and consulting, where he is active in community building and consulting for a growing Linked Open Government Data (LOD) scene in Austria and above.